booohoooo! hello guys! hahas. (:
i am back from the choir 'camp'! see, i wont abandon my blog de. so i am here to update! :DDDDDD
i am glad that i survived throughout the 9 hours of choir. can you imagine? NINE WHOLE HOURS. sing sing sing :/ i think by the end of three days my throat will certainly get hurt. ): trying to reach for that high high high note.
appealing results out today.haix. don wanna make any comments for this.
during the camp, played some bonding games. keep grouping us with different groups, den must be with boys. :/ which is like so... cos there are more girls than boys. the pass rubberbands down the row with a stick on is fun.LOL. learnt the nobody dance. learnt in 5 min time? LOL. that mr lim teach very fast.everyone got so high.cos that song make us high. played a game that requires communication, but not by using our mouth,using SIGNALS (: like "arrange yourself according to the initials/vowel of your name. " the slowest grp gotta write out the word "CHOIR" with your butt. which make people so damn high group tio once which is som paiseh de lah :/
theory was rather fun today. cos not the one whole hour theory. but involved some games. :D but still don like theory. dunno why. haix.
got the MTDC choir tee today. damn simple. but nice (:
totally tired out after the program. wanna sleep sleep liao. LOL.
wonder what's the program for tmr.scared i cant survive that longggggg.
gonna change blogskin,which jialing has chosen for me. maybe changing it today, or at a later date bah. so please look forward to it yoh (: hahas. and a big thankyou to my CHENJIALING dear ((: