hello guys.it has been quite a while since i update eh?hmmm,common tests just ended on thurs.and finally,for me to take a deep breath.the scheldue during the common test period was so tight. :( not to talk bout it,cos i hasnt been getting good results.
went mac with my so-called GANG.Peipei,Jialing,Jiaxin,Weiherng and Javier.it was fun,to hang around together,simply to just CRAP.:D had so much fun and laughters. alright,yesterday(friday) stayed back to practice the teachers' day skit.before that,i took out my theory homework to do.a last minute work.and weiherng is so interested in music.lol.and with my great 'mentor' there,peipei guiding me.thanks!:D *she did some of it for me.* haha. a big big thankyou here!at about 2 plus,went for the prefects thing,and yonglay's group is so funny larh.especially that TAN YONG LAY.keep acting that auntie lucy.but he's suitable for that role lor.*no offence here* had a big laugh there.ben chia also very funny,he can pick out the actions the different teachers do.like for example mr___,if you tell him you didnt bring ______ for his lesson,he would say,'that's for sure.you don have to insult my intelligence.' haha.:D
went for choral prgoramme ytd,learnt a new song,it's fun!haha.so nice.with just 3 lessons,we already learnt 3 songs,and we are rather familiar with it alr!Muhahaha.ate supper at jurong east interchange.had fun crapping with beiyu and jasmine!!:D so fun.wakakaka.more than 20 pages of theory homework.OMG!sigh,home econ also quite lot of homework eh.
*home econ practical exam on mon,i am NOT ready for it! :(