sorry guys.
it had been a long time since i update.
ps.mugging period.
just had the language papers on wed and thurs.
cant say it's easy.
not really difficult too...
dunno how to phrase it,
haha :D
thanks for the blessing from my cousin brother.(bx)
really thankful and it meant alot.
and many other people too.(esp my classmates!)
hope the same goes well for you guys too!
on thurs,after the chinese paper,and also after mrs tay's remedial lesson,
i went mac with wendy and jialing.
thn i suddenly thought of the happy meal set that my sis bought,
with the cute toy.
so i asked if jialing and wendy whether they wanna buy.
then jialing bought it with me. :D
i got a mocha-holding-sundae toy.
jialing got a milk-holding-baked-apple-pie toy.
her toy is called milk,my toy is named mocha.
like really suits us.
cos i tanned tanned de,thn jialing white white de.haha xD
i love my toy!hehe.
i wonder why that
FARHAN ZIKRI kept calling me shi-shi these few days.
crazy lor.and i called him SEXY FARHAN.
he somehow dont like it too.
yet we are having fun calling each other names?lol.
alright,off i go to complete mrs tay's math revision ws. D:
bye everyone.had been slacking the whole day without doing anythin yesterday.
how did i do that?
yeah,i know.
playing with the RESTAURANT CITY.
at facebook ytd.
goodbye and have a nice day!
(do i sound like i am greeting mrs law?)
haha...BYE!all the best ya!